We were set the task of going out and test shooting in a location we thought may be suitable for our film. Here I wanted to experiment with different shot types, lighting and angles in order to test what is successful. I also scouted for a suitable location that I may be able to shoot at in my final film. Here I am in Queen's Park in Charminster, a forest area which offers interesting lighting/shadows. I took short film clips and also photographs in different ares of the park, trying out different shots each time.
I am happy with the final outcome as the location made for an aesthetic backdrop. It was also a free open space making it easy to film in without members of the public disrupting the filming process. It was a successful shoot in these cases. However, the difficulties I faced were I didn't feel fully prepared for the shoot as it was a spontaneous activity. It was difficult to film hand held in some cases as the footage came out slightly shaky, less stable and clean then I would have liked. From this I have learnt that I will need more equipment in the future to create a more professional looking final film. In the future I will also plan each shot I want to produce in order to utilise my time properly and get the results I envision.
This task was valuable in order for me to experiment with shot types and filming techniques, aswell as learning how to manage my time successfully in a future shoot by thoroughly planning and bringing equipment to aid the filming process.
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