Chosen brand: H&M
A short fashion film promoting a new gender-neutral collection for H&M. A street style look book, aiming to encourage and normalise gender neutral fashion and the idea of no labels or stereotyping at H&M.
What is the message you want to send –what is the brands/designer’s ethos, the film’s purpose?
The purpose of this film for H&M is to promote the message that the brand supports, values and caters for the consumer who identifies as gender free or gender neutral. It shows that H&M are an inclusive fashion brand who are contemporary and open minded in their approach to fashion. It also serves a purpose in trying to normalise the idea of gender-neutral fashion and make it accessible for a main stream consumer such as those that invest in H&M.
Are there any inspirations–does it reference a genre of film? And does it reflect the brand’s prior promotional activities?
The film is inspired by the millennial generation, the type of person who would invest in the collection promoted in the film. The street style and fun nature I want the film to have reflects the consumer who will hopefully buy the products. There will be a sense of continuity and synergy with H&M’s previous promotional activity so that the brand is recognisable. H&M often create fun, diverse, inclusive fashion films that fit the idea of a look book, often in public locations such as the beach and the street that are relatable to the consumer.
Prepare a draft of the creative team that will need to be involved to create the film?
Camera Assistants
Hair and makeup artist
Confirm is it is to be a for a big brand or an emerging AUB designer?
H&M – a successful and established brand.
What role will the film play as part of a campaign –and what is it’s positioning, marketing, and how would it be publicised?
The film will be the first piece of advertising released for the campaign and so has to engage and excite the consumer. It will give an insight into the collection and hopefully create a connection between the brand and the consumer. It will be shared on all social media platforms and on TV in order to gain a wide reach.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of creating a film for your brand or designer?
· Creates an exciting way of portraying the collection.
· It will reach a target audience of young adults, who are the market the brand would want to reach.
· It will engage the consumer in order to gain their loyalty and create an emotional bond between them and the brand.
· The brand still appeals to an older audience, who may not enjoy or engage in the fashion film as it is too fast paced or they don’t use digital media platforms regularly.
· If the message portrayed in the film doesn’t appeal to the consumer, it may discourage them from engaging with the brand in the future.
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